This page is for owners and webmasters of independent wrestling promotions ONLY:
My name is Karl Blankenship, and I'm a Webmaster of an independent wrestling promotion. It isn't direct competition to you - we are on the island of Jamaica. The reason for this page is to tell you about a NEW WEB RING for independent wrestling promotions, designed to create new traffic to your web site! Sure, these surfers may be too far away to see one of your shows, but they might buy a videotape or two! I urge you to join our ring. To do so, you'll have to create a Webring ID (very similar to a Yahoo! ID) by clicking on the "Join Now" link above. Then, simply add your site to the ring. You'll get an HTML code you need to place on the BOTTOM of the first page of your web site. I'll write your site description for you in the web ring's format, once your site is approved. If you have any trouble at all, email me and I'll walk you through step by step. Here's what I think; it's us, against the WWE. This web ring can give you a presence on hundreds of other promotion's web sites that aren't directly competing with you. And, this ring is a great way for the top independent wrestlers to contact you too. Pro wrestling needs independent promotions mow more than ever. Watch and see. Thanks in advance for your attention. Karl
Blankenship |